Built Environment, Local Planning and Architectural Activities
Since its formation in 1979, the OVA has worked hard to encourage high standards of architecture and planning in the Otter Valley, and to protect important buildings and their setting. This is a fundamental purpose of an amenity society such as ours and embedded in the constitution. Indeed, the charity was first set up as a response to a planning issue and has commented on significant planning applications ever since.
The OVA reviews planning applications in the light of the principles set out in the constitution. It also has to take into account the various policies in the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework, East Devon District Council’s Local Plan and emerging Local Plan 2020-2040, the Neighbourhood Plans for Budleigh Salterton, East Budleigh, Newton Poppleford and Otterton, the Devon County Structure Plan, the East Devon AONB Management Plan, and the World Heritage Site. There are also local Design Statements for Budleigh Salterton and Otterton, produced after extensive local consultation, and with the support of the OVA.
When necessary, objections are made to planning applications submitted to East Devon District Council. Once the Executive Committee have considered the details submissions are made in writing and in some cases a verbal submission is made at the Planning Committee. If a decision goes to a planning appeal, the OVA follows through with written submissions and, if necessary, gives evidence at public hearings.
The OVA monitors and comments on new planning legislation, including the Devon Structure Plan, the East Devon Local Plan and Central Governments NPPF.
The Google map below displays the lower Otter Valley parish boundaries. The map can be opened in Google Maps, by clicking the square icon top right, where it can be zoomed for greater detail/accuracy.