Doors open 19:00, talk commences 19:30
Peter Hall, Budleigh Salterton
Speaker: Iorwerth (Yog) Watkins
River breach above Clamour Bridge
Iorwerth is an experienced farm advisor and catchment officer. In this advisory role Iorwerth can draw on experience gained from working for the Environment Agency, FWAG and growing up on a farm. Iorwerth has already worked on several of the farm clusters work and is currently actively involved as a technical advisor on both the Heaths to Sea and Luppitt Landscape Recovery projects. Being joint lead on the East Devon CaBA means Iorwerth is known by many of the stakeholders involved here and aware of how this project will fit within/alongside other active projects in this area.
This experience has provided him with in depth knowledge of best farm practice and the measures to address diffuse pollution as well as an appreciation of the financial and environmental benefits from the farmer’s perspective. Iorwerth has considerable experience in engaging and delivering advice to farmers through one-to-one visits, developing whole farm plans, running farming workshops and presentations to wider stakeholders including private companies, community interest groups and students. Iorwerth currently sits [amongst others] on the following committees and steering groups; East Devon CaBA, Devon LNRS Farming Working Group, NBS / NFM Strategic Group, South West England Soils Discussion Group.