
OVA Autumn Litter Pick 2021 - 10:30 - 12:30View

Join the Otter Valley Association with EDDC and Clinton Devon Estates to clear litter from the Otter Estuary.

OVA Gift AidView

The OVA are updating their Gift Aid records and would like your help in completing the latest version of the Gift Aid Declaration. If you are a UK tax payer we can claim 25p for every £1 you pay in membership subscriptions and donations in past, present and future tax years.

OVA Annual General Meeting 2021View

The 41st Annual General Meeting of the Otter Valley Association will be held online via Zoom at 19:30 on Tuesday, 11 May 2021.

Himalyan Balsam ProjectView

 Patrick Hamilton of the OVA's Natural Environment group has produced a comprehensive report outling the work carried out to eradicate Himalyan

OVA Christmas NewsletterView

When I  sent my  news sheet out in October, I  hadn’t really planned on writing another, but thought that I  would update you on a few subjects which seem relevant, if only to let you know that we are still here.

Lower Otter Valley Restoration ProjectView

The OVA has been involved since the inception of this project and is a member of the Technical Streeing Group, trying to give a local flavour to the proposals.

The OVA Responds to Planning ConsultationsView

The government is proposing very significant, and controversial, changes to the current planning system for housing development.  There have been two public consultations, both similar in content, and the OVA has responded to both of them. 

OVA Latest NewsView

Dear Members

News from the OVA Walk Team - August 2020View

Our programme of local walks from September onwards will comprise a walk leader who decides the group size and a maximum of 11 walkers.

OVA Walks and other EventsView

As you will be aware all of the OVA's activities are currently suspended. As soon as we are allowed to start meeting in groups and our events can recommence we will advise you via an e-mail and publish details on this web site.