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Carter, Joel (1793-1879) - his parents, siblings and children. Part 11. Harpford.
Newton Poppleford

Part Eleven
Joel's declining years, death and Harpford gravestones.

In 1861 Joel's brother Elias died aged 51 years.

In 1867 Joel's older brother, Thomas Carter of Paver’s farm, Otterton, died aged 77 years.

Joel’s older brother
Thomas Carter, farmer 1790-1867.

Between 1867 and 1871, Joel’s son John and his family returned from London. On the 1871 census John Carter is described as a market gardener, living in Newton Poppleford.

In 1873, Joel’s younger brother, Robert, died aged 60. He suffered from pulmonary and cardiac disease for about a year and also from anasarca (dropsy) for about three months. In Robert Carter's will he is described as of Hayne in Ottery St. Mary.  Robert left a legacy of £100 to his brother Joel and a similar sum to his sisters, Martha Ham and Elizabeth Salter.  For his sister Anna Chown he left 5/- per week for life and for his brother John 3/- per week for life.  The residue of Robert's estate was left to his widow Eliza and this included "all my household goods and furniture, china, linen, household and domestic effects, silver and plate jewellery and ornaments of the person".  There was a sizable residue, several thousands of pounds.

In 1874, Joel’s son Sydenham aged 37 years married Susan Emma Podbury, aged 22 years. The following year their first son Sydney was born. 

In 1876, Joel’s wife, Mary Carter died on the 13th March. She was aged 79 years.  She was buried in the family grave at Harpford.

In 1877 when Joel re-wrote his will he mentioned each of his children and was aware of their various marriages.  The family kept in contact with one another in Devon, Bath, London and Tasmania, Australia.

In a directory of 1878 Joel Carter and his son Sydenham are recorded as farmers of Podbury's Farm, Harpford. According to the family story all nine of Sydenham’s children were born at Podbury’s

In 1879 Joel Carter died aged 86 years. He was buried at Harpford in the family grave with his wife, mother-in-law, and six children, Sydenham 1831-1832, Betsy 1828-1833, Betsy 1833-1834, Robert 1842-1846, Anna 1821-1846 and William 1823-1848.

In full, Joel Carter's will reads as follows:

"The last will and testament of me Joel Carter, yeoman of the parish of Harpford, in the county of Devon made this 29th day of January in the year of Grace 1877.  I do hereby give and bequeath the sum of £5 to each and every of my children as follows, that is to say to Joel Roger CARTER, Mary HOLMES wife of Thomas Holmes, Oliver CARTER, Sarah Hare WYATT wife of Thomas Wyatt, Joanna MacRUDEN wife of Hugh McRuden, John CARTER, Elizabeth DALEY wife of Michael Daley, Emily YOUNG wife of William Young.  I also give and bequeath to my next of kin free from the power of any husband of my said daughters all the money that is vested in me as next of kin to my deceased brother Robert Carter, such money being divisible at the decease of Eliza Carter widow of the aforesaid Robert Carter.  I also give and bequeath to my son Sydenham Carter all the residue and remainder whatsoever and wheresoever, and I also appoint my son Sydenham Carter the aforementioned to be the sole executor of this my last will and testament.  As witness my hand this 29th day of January 1877."

The will was signed by Joel Carter and witnessed by Charles Mackie, clerk in holy orders, Harpford and John Seager Grundy, clerk in holy orders Honiton.  Joel’s estate was small, less than £100.

During his life, Joel Carter had come to live in much reduced circumstances. At the time of his birth the Carter’s were a well established family with considerable status in the lower Otter valley, but by the time of Joel’s death there were few Carter’s left in the locality.

Joel’s son, John Carter died at Newton Poppleford in 1879.  His widow later remarried and returned to London.

Sydenham and Susan Carter remained at Podbury's for some years. But between 1891-1897 they lived at Rosebank Cottage, Harpford, before farming at Metcombe, in the parish of Ottery St Mary.  In later years they lived at The Barton, Otterton.


Joel’s son Sydenham Carter, 1837-1919 with his wife Susan - outside Metcombe Farm

Numerous members of the Carter family were buried at Harpford. The oldest Carter gravestone (the one in memory of Joel's parents) is located by the church door. Alongside the path from the lych gate there are four more Carter stones.  It is just as well some 20 years ago I wrote down the various epitaphs as these are now impossible to decipher. However there are occasional discrepancies between my notes and the dates in the parish registers.

As shown in the photograph, from left to right the stones are as described below.

Carter gravestones alongside path in Harpford Churchyard

Elias Carter of this parish
Who died 18th August 1833 aged 72 years
Also Anna Carter wife of the above
Who died 15th October 1852 aged 84 years.

Sacred to the memory of Sergeant Major Robert Carter
Who died at Hayne Cottage
On 24th March 1873 aged 60 years.

stone of Sarah Symons, nee Carter

Beloved to the memory of Ann wife of Elias Carter junior
Who died 9th April 1839 aged 32 years.
Also three children of the above named who died in infancy.
Also to the memory of Sydney Carter
Son of the above named Elias and Sarah Carter his second wife
Who died 5th November 1845 aged 2 years.
Also Sydney Carter the second son of the above named
Who died 20th September 1846 aged 10 months.
Dear parents do not lament your babes
Because they are laid in their silent graves
Laid with our savior to take our repose
He now blossoms a Celestial Rose.

To the memory of our dear mother Sarah Shepherd Carter
Who died at Hayne Cottage on the 18th November 1898 aged 74 years.
Erected by her bereaved children Elias William and Mary his wife.
Also of Elizabeth Salter of Hayne Cottage
Who died 16th January 1880 who was interned near this spot.

A few feet away from this series of Carter gravestones, Joel Carter’s gravestone is located by another gate into the churchyard. Positioned under a tree, some of the words on the stone are still reasonably easy to read.

ln memory of Joanna Paver who died on the 26tb April 1856 aged 84
Also Joel Carter who died 19th November 1879 aged 86
Also Mary Carter wife of the above who died 13tb March 1876 aged 79
Also six children of the above
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away
Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Gravestone of Joel Carter, his wife Mary and mother-in-law Joanna Paver

Under the same tree on the other side (but not visible in the photo), is the stone of Joel’s eldest son, Joel Roger Carter of Dotton Mill.

In living remembrance of Joel Roger Carter
Who died 20th February 1890 aged 74 years.
Also his wife Mary Carter
Who died on 13th April 1876 aged 57 years.
Also 2 children of the above.
Great God what do I see and hear?
The end of thine created.
The Judge of all men doth appear
On clouds of glory seated.
The trumpets sound, the graves rest
The dead which they contained before.
Prepare my soul to meet him.

In Harpford churchyard, there are at least two other stones to Joel's brothers and sisters.

Erected in memory of Sarah Hare
Beloved wife of Thomas Carter of Passaford
Who died February 1864 aged 59 years.
Also Thomas Carter husband of the above
Who died 28th May 1867 aged 77 years.

To Nicholas Ham
Who died 18th December 1856 aged 67 years
Also to his wife Martha Ham
Who died 34th October 1885 aged 82 years.

There is no dispute that during the 19th century the Carters were a well established family in Harpford and were influential in political, social and economic spheres. By the close of the 19th century the Carter family had largely dispersed.  

Joel Carter lived through the reigns of four monarchs, George III, George IV, William IV and Queen Victoria.   Throughout his life he would have seen many changes.  Joel Carter, my great-great-great-great-grandfather, died in 1879 and the England of that time was very different to the England of his birth.

This is the last of a series of related articles. Click back to jump to the previous one.

Researched by Anne Speight,  © 2009


Rural Life In Victorian England.  G E Mingay
Will of John Vincent of Yarcombe 1807.
Willis of Robert Carter of Hayne d 1873 and Joel Carter of Harpford d 1879.
Census Returns – various
Directories - various
Parish Registers of Harpford
Harpford Monumental Inscriptions

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